During my 14 days in Hong-Kong at very small apartment here, I really feel very uncomfortable. the house is really tiny. You can imagine one bedroom apartment in USA, has three bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen and the living room plus a dining room in it. It is so amazing how four people in one family can live all together in one tiny apartment. Besides that, all the apartments are very tall. They are in the high mountains. The view is great but I won't live in Hong-Kong for my entire life. I need more space. There's no space for anything even to dry clothing. A lot of people dry their clothing outside of their windows. This is very unique because you can see from outside, a lot colors of different flags.
I always say house in Taiwan is very expensive but the house in Hong-Kong is even more expensive then in Taiwan. Here in Taiwan you can buy a very big house at the same price as three bedroom apartment in Hong-Kong, much bigger with garage and own yard.
My sister-in-law and her family live in this building. you can see a lot of apartment building surrounded by the shopping mall. Each MRT stop has apartments and the shopping malls. Her husband is the only person who works for the family. This area is for people who has middle income.