2007年7月10日 星期二

Returning Back to Taiwan

After 9 days in Hong-Kong, it is time for us to go back to Taiwan and start summer school. My vacation is over now. Now, I have to prepare what is coming next school year. i have to make a lot of plans and lessons for my students.

During these two weeks in Hong-Kong, I got sick. The place is really small and everywhere I go, a lot of people were there. I cannot believe what are these people doing here. Finally, I am so happy to go back to Taiwan, to my house and have a good rest.

2007年7月9日 星期一

Housing in Hong-Kong

During my 14 days in Hong-Kong at very small apartment here, I really feel very uncomfortable. the house is really tiny. You can imagine one bedroom apartment in USA, has three bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen and the living room plus a dining room in it. It is so amazing how four people in one family can live all together in one tiny apartment. Besides that, all the apartments are very tall. They are in the high mountains. The view is great but I won't live in Hong-Kong for my entire life. I need more space. There's no space for anything even to dry clothing. A lot of people dry their clothing outside of their windows. This is very unique because you can see from outside, a lot colors of different flags.

I always say house in Taiwan is very expensive but the house in Hong-Kong is even more expensive then in Taiwan. Here in Taiwan you can buy a very big house at the same price as three bedroom apartment in Hong-Kong, much bigger with garage and own yard.

My sister-in-law and her family live in this building. you can see a lot of apartment building surrounded by the shopping mall. Each MRT stop has apartments and the shopping malls. Her husband is the only person who works for the family. This area is for people who has middle income.


This is my first time in Hong-Kong. Hong-Kong is very tiny city. I do not call it a country, it is a city which is part of China. Everywhere I go is crowded. Everyone lives in an apartment. All the apartments are so tiny, just imagine, one bedroom apartment with four rooms on it. There's no space at all. Houses over there are so expensive. It is triple price compared to the house the same size apartment in Taiwan. The rent is also expansive but people here earned a lot of salaries. Also, living are so expensive like food, clothing and others, and more than that, the quality of the food is not so good.

The good thing is everywhere I go is so convenient. MRT made things easier and cool. In each MRT stop, I could find department stores. If it is raining, I won't get wet, because it is all inside in one place. however, I won't go to Hong-Kong again, I do not like to be a lot of people.

Hong-Kong's View

Hong-Kong's view is so pretty at night. I really like it. Hong-Kong is an island closer to China. This little island has everything with a lot of people. Everywhere I go is so crowded. I cannot imagine where the people come from. Even shopping malls are so full, I cannot even walk. Disneyland in HK is lesser people, that is the only place I enjoyed the most. I could go all the rides and I could see better things and take pictures of it.

If I go back to Taiwan, the only thing I am going to miss about HK is the view at night. I am not going to miss the food or people. Also the convenience of the MRT and the shopping malls in each station.

2007年7月7日 星期六


Is today a good day for westerns? It is July 7th, 2007, that means 070707, triple 7s means a good time for westerns. A lot of people got married today. Even in Hong-Kong, the Ocean Park closed earlier than usual. Restaurants are full. It is so hard for us to find a good restaurants because the good ones are all full. All of the restaurants has wedding banquet. Anyways, I learned that 070707 is a good day for westerns even in Las Vegas, Nevada, a lot of couple got married. It is so fun. How about Chinese good day for marriage?

Ocean Park, Hong-Kong

Today everyone are so excited because we are going to the Ocean Park. I heard that Hong-Kong's Ocean Park is the best. I really want to go and see. We woke up early in the morning and we took MRT to (金鐘) then, we took the Ocean Park's bus to the Ocean park's back door. The back door has everything. It has dolphin show, bubble game for children, and much more. The most valuable thing is that the two pandas, the gift from China are there, too. We had to wait one hour in line to be able to see them. Hong-Kong's Ocean park is so much fun. You should go earlier and be able to see everything. Also, the most important point is that you have to take ocean Park's cable car, it is so much fun.

2007年7月4日 星期三

Hong-Kong, Disney

Hong-Kong Disney is much smaller than Disney in America but it is so much fun. The good point is that I could have all the rides. I did not have to wait for long time. It is not wasting of time. I really like the show where they have in Disney. Also, songs and everything is so great. I really enjoyed to be at Disney Land in Hong-Kong.

2007年7月2日 星期一

Victoria Peak

Victoria Peak is Hong-Kong the most famous tourist place and you can see all the sighting over there. You can see entire Hong-Kong from here. Also, taking the peak train to the top is so much fun. Inside of Peak Tower, you can have so much fun, you can buy presents and there's restaurants when you are hungry.

2007年7月1日 星期日

Hong-Kong, 7-1

Today is July first in Hong-Kong. This means that after 10 years under British colony; finally, they got their freedom. They celebrate this memory by showing fire works in the sky. It is so cool, each firework is very unique and pretty. I am glad I could see that in live.

I'm in Hong-Kong

After many trouble for this trip, finally, we arrived to Hong-Kong. While we were on the plane, we faced strong winds. It made me so scared. The plane was moving up and down really fast. Alan and I were so scared. After many strong winds and scary things happen on the trip, finally we arrived to Hong-kong.We arrived to Hong-Kong at 6:00 P.M. While we were passing the immigration, it were a lot of people on line. I did not see a lot of people like this before and the worst thing is that each section it has only three immigration personal over there. The situation goes really slow. We had to go off the line and have time to go to the bathroom.

When we came back from the bathroom, we still need to wait for another 30 minutes in line. A lot of time waiting, it is our turn. I gave our passport to the immigration personal and he checked my passport first and after Alan's passport. Everything was okay and it is time for us to pick up our luggage.

After picking up the luggage, we could leave the airport and my brother -in-law was waiting for us. The taxi was ready there and waiting for us too. Cantonese airport is really big, it has a lot of things there. Evergreen plane parked in another place and we had to take airport's MRT to be able to go to the immigration. Anyways, when we left, it was a big shower. I heard from Cantonese said it has been raining for two weeks already. Hopefully, by the time for me to go outside to look around, it will be a good weather.

I could see a nice view from the taxi. Hong-Kong has a lot of rivers with high buildings, all the buildings are living areas. Each apartment is really small with all the open space areas and with windows in each room.

I like windows in each room, otherwise there's no light or no air. The houses here are really expensive and small. In Hong-Kong a small apartment of three rooms, in Taiwan we could buy a big independent house with yard and garage. I think each place is very unique and with its price, too.

2007年6月30日 星期六

Hong-Kong Street

When we arrived to Hong-Kong, David's brother-in-law came to pick up us at the airport. We took taxi to be able to go to his house. During the drive in the taxi, I saw the freeway is the same as Taiwanese freeway. I could see same colors of the signs, same of everything. It is just the view of the buildings and the cities are so different. I really enjoyed the ride of the taxi and able to see not whole HK.

Arriving to Hong-Kong

The trip is really short, I did not enjoy anything and Alan figured out how to play his games on the computer, it is time for arrival.

Alan and I were so excited. We do not know what is Hong-Kong, this is the first time for us to be there. I spent time with my son on vacations, but this is the time Alan has more memory, he will remember what is going on.
The airport is very busy today, a lot of people came to Hong-Kong for pleasure or business. The airport is really busy, there's no parking for us, we had to park far away, and we had to take a train after that. Alan really like it to be in the train, but the trip of the train was very short, it is less than 5 minutes.

we were so nervous, it is time for us to pass through immigration. We can pass one by one, no two in two. Thanks God everything was okay, we go out now.

Departure to Hong-Kong

After excitement of waiting, finally, I have everything ready to departure to Hong-Kong, "The Land of Shopping." I heard wonderful things about Hong-Kong and every one said everything is really cheap. I am waiting to buy many things over there. My excitement is not the same as others. This trip, I will go with my in-laws and I will stay at my sister-in-law's house. My mother-in-law and sister-in-law are very good, I do not know how things will turned out.

Our airplane is in the afternoon. We departure from Yang-Mei to Tao-Yuan's international airport at 2:00 PM. Everyone were more than ready to go. I bought a few cakes and pudding for children. I hope they will like it.

We drove my car, and we arrived to the parking lot, where I can park my car during my trip. When we arrived there, everyone was waiting for us, they helped us with luggage. After that we were read to go to the counter to do paper work and be ready to take the bus to the airport.

The parking lot is only 10 minute from the airport. It is not far away, it is very convenient and safe. i do not need to worry about my car during my trip. If something happen to my car, they have to pay me a new one.

It is so excited, we arrive to the counter of Evergreen. We check in and be ready to go inside and wait for the plane. We had to wait for almost one hour. We were having fruits and talk to each other.

After waiting, it is time to go to the airplane. Alan and I were seating together. Ten minutes after departure, flight attendants were ready to serve food. They gave food to children first and after that they were giving adults food. That will take a while. I know why children were first because they were eating very slowly. It is a good idea to give them first.

I had to wait for 15 minutes to have my food and drink. At that time, Alan was in the middle of his spaghetti. He really like his food and he was enjoying. he showed to me and to his grandparents about his food.

Finally, my food came, it is time for me to enjoy my food. Unfortunately, the adult portion was not too good. I did not like it very much, but I finished all my food even desserts.

After we finished the food, flight attendant were cleaning all the dishes very quickly. After 5 minutes they finished cleaning, it is time for us to arrive at Hong-Kong, only 15 minutes away.

2007年6月29日 星期五

Cleanning at Sheng-Kung

It is toward at end of school year. My school made us to clean everything that we have. We have to move all the books from the office at home. My school will make a make up for floors and classrooms. It is a lot of work but at the same time, it is a big mess here. After cleaning, the floors will be shiny and cool. Everyone will feel comfortable.

2007年6月28日 星期四


Today, after our meeting, I went to pick up my son, Alan. We together went to the face shop. I made them to clean my face. Every month, I will make people to clean my face. Finally, we went home. When we arrived home, there's nothing on the fridge. I brought Alan to eat noodles outside.

David arrived home and he called us. At that time, we rushed home quickly. I went upstars to prepare our luggage to Hong-Kong. It was a lot of job, cleaning and washing and packing. Finally I got everything I wanted to bring. Alan has his books, too. I am so excited that we our going to departure to Hong-Kong tomorrow.

2007年6月27日 星期三


How excited I'm. I am going to Hong-Kong, this weekend. I never been to Hong-Kong. Alan had been to Hong-Kong many times already. I am very excited to go shopping and be with my son Alan. I am very busy in these days. After finishing grading all the exams and count all the grades, I am very tired already, but I need to clean my house, too. After all the work is done, I will go to have a little vacation. I am very excited.